Medicina del lavoro | VITALE - Centro Analisi Cliniche - Caltanissetta

Occupational medicine

Occupational medicine

Health Surveillance is mandatory for all companies, public and private, whose activity exposes its workers to health risks identified by the law, in particular, by Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments and additions.

The Vitale Clinical Analysis Center has been working for years in the field of Hygiene and Occupational Medicine and is able to offer an effective, integrated and flexible service specially calibrated for business needs characterized by timeliness of execution and delivery of results.

Laboratory support

The service is carried out in close collaboration with an interlocutor indicated by the company, so as to optimize the timing of the interventions and affect the production cycle as little as possible. Vitale Clinical Analysis Center offers complete laboratory support for the checks contemplated by the Health Surveillance protocol, including the verification of alcoholic, psychotropic and narcotic substances. At the customer's request it is also possible to make withdrawals in the company, within suitable premises, and the collected samples are processed and stored following appropriate chain of custody, as established by current legislation and analyzed directly on automatic analytical instrumentation with method amount.
For information and quotes contact us.

Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale s.r.l. - Vat: 01357890852

Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale S.r.l. ha nominato quale DPO (Data Protection Officer) il Sig. Giuffrida Domenico, che puo' essere contattato al seguente indirizzo email:

+39 0934 26002
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