Clinical chemistry analysis
Study of the biochemical changes of the human body pathological nature.

The Centre Clinical Analysis Vitale is a clinical and hormonal assays testing laboratory with specialized areas of biochemical-clinical and toxicology, microbiology and Seroimmunology. Below all the areas covered by Centro Analisi Cliniche.
Study of the biochemical changes of the human body pathological nature.
Techniques that use a reaction to determine the concentration of a given analyte.
Detection of specific antigens present in the tissue or cells to be tested.
Study of physiology and pathology of the blood and organs that produce it.
Detection of the presence and the entity & agrave; of any pathological hemoglobins.
Detection of a tumor through the dosage of specific substances in the blood.
Study of infectious diseases from pathogens.
Analysis and confirmation of diseases seroimmunological test.
Study the symptoms of poisoning by drugs, poisons or medicines.
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergies and immune disorders.
Revelation of one or more substances legal and / or illegal urine or blood.
blood collection for the study of alterations in the function of the ovaries.
Personalizazione of a dosage to maintain the concentrations of a drug within a certain range.
the blood sample for the determination of sexually transmitted infections.
test to identify food proteins against which the body has adverse reactions.
Withdraw aimed at protecting the health and safety of workers.
Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale S.r.l. ha nominato quale DPO (Data Protection Officer) il Sig. Giuffrida Domenico, che puo' essere contattato al seguente indirizzo email: